
Rogue Jinchuriki

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Lawman09's avatar

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Rogue Jinchuriki

This is the story about two Jinchuriki and their lives together.

*A young woman with short spiky mint green hair watches as a spiky-haired blonde man approaches her.  Behind him is another blonde man laying facedown on the ground.  Both the spiky-haired blonde and the green-haired woman have the symbols on their headbands slashed out.*

Fu: Aren't you going to kill him?

Naruto: Why bother?  I already broke his arms off and destroyed the rest of his detonation clay.  He's no threat to anyone anymore.  Let's go.

Fu: What about his partner?

Naruto: If his partner makes in time before he dies then his partner will have him to worry about.

Fu: Hm.  You never cease to amaze me with the power you have.

Naruto: Well, it helps with the masters I had.

*Two silhouettes appear in Naruto's mind.  A tall man with long white hair and a dark-skinned man with shades.*

Fu: …

Naruto: What?  What's wrong?

Fu: Would you mind dropping Sage Mode already?  You're upsetting Nanabi…

*Sometime later in a dark room, both Jinchuriki have removed all of their clothes and left them on the floor.  On the bed the blonde man has the woman's hands pinned down.  And as he lies on top of her, the two are making out.  Naruto then adjusts his manhood and pushes into Fu.  The young woman's voice is contained by the fact that she and the blonde are still kissing.  Fu begins to moan as Naruto pushes in and out of the green-haired woman.  Naruto then deepens the kiss as he pushes all the way inside Fu and releases inside Fu.*

*The next day, Naruto's ear is being pulled by Fu as they walk down a road together.*

Fu: You overdid it again.  What if I get pregnant because you always release inside?  A female Jinchuriki's seal weakens during childbirth.  What if I'm with child and one of those cloaked men finds out?

Naruto: If that time ever comes, I'll protect you and the child.  *He smiles.*

Fu: …  *She looks at him.*  You're an idiot, you know that?  By the way, won't the readers wonder why we went rogue in the first place?

Naruto: Like it matters…
This was a fan-fiction for :iconbilly1028:. The couple is NaruFu and it and this is a lemon. What more can I say…? :shrug:
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RasenganLucario's avatar
I always thought this pairing would actually be better than NaruHina. Mainly because Hinata and Naruto have the bare minimum of chemistry.